Aïcha Liviana Messina

Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School / EGS.

Aïcha Liviana Messina


Aïcha Liviana Messina is Professor of Philosophy at Universidad Diego Portales and director of its Philosophy Institute.

She studied literature and philosophy in Paris and in Strasbourg. Situated at the intersection of contemporary French thought, literary theory, and political philosophy, her work focuses on the relationship between language and violence, and on the political implications of critique. She has written on the experience of modeling in art in Poser me va si bien (POL, 2005); and on the question of love in Marx’s early writings in her book-length essay Amour/Argent. Le livre blanc des manuscrits de 1844 (Le portique/La phocide, 2009).

She has recently published The Writing of Innocence. Blanchot and the Deconstruction of Christianity (SUNY, 2022), and a monograph on Levinas’s political thought, L’anarchie de la paix. Levinas et la philosophie politique (CNRS, 2018). She has also published books on the recent political events in Chile such as, Feminismo y revolución. Crónica de una inquietud, seguido por: Fragmentos de una paz insólita. Santiago, Octubre 2019 (Metales Pesado,s 2020), and Una falla en la lógica del universo that she co-writted with Constanza Michelson.