Jean Baudrillard

former Professor of Media Philosophy at The European Graduate School / EGS.


Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), French sociologist, cultural critic, and theorist of postmodernity, was born in the northern town of Reims on the 27th of July 1929. The son of civil servants and the grandson of peasant farmers, he was the first in his family to attend university—eventually becoming a teacher of sociology at the Université de Paris X Nanterre and a leading intellectual figure of his time. Much of his early life and work was influenced by the French occupation of Algeria and the ensuing struggle for independence in the 1950s and 60s.

Before completing his doctoral thesis in sociology under the direction of Henri Lefebvre, Baudrillard taught German at several lycées in Paris and outside the city. Upon the successful completion of his dissertation in September 1966, he took a position in Nanterre—first as Maître Assistant (Assistant Professor), then Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor)—eventually becoming a professor after completing his habilitation with L’Autre par lui-même (The Other by Himself). He was associated with Roland Barthes, to whom his first book, a semiotic analysis of culture—Le système des objets (The System of Objects), 1968is clearly indebted. In it, he “offers a cultural critique of the commodity in consumer society. Baudrillard classifies the everyday objects of the ‘new technical order’ as functional, nonfunctional and metafunctional. He contrasts ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ functional objects, subjecting home furnishing and interior design to a celebrated semiological analysis. His treatment of nonfunctional or ‘marginal’ objects focuses on antiques and the psychology of collecting, while the metafunctional category extends to the useless, the aberrant and even the ‘schizofunctional.’ Finally, Baudrillard deals at length with the implications of credit and advertising for the commodification of everyday life.” And what this system does is to transfer—exchange— meaning itself through the continual circulation of objects; thus, it is not just that use-value no longer matters but that what is exchanged is no longer the surplus of production but consumption itself—where the consumer (there are no longer even individuals) not only maintains the illusion of their personal meanings through this exchange but the illusion of use-value itself.

Another major intellectual influence to Jean Baudrillard was Marshall McLuhan, who demonstrated the importance of the mass media in any sociological overview. In 1968, inspired by the student revolt at Nanterre University, he collaborated with the ultra-leftist collective Utopie and published a number of theoretical articles on the ambience of capitalist affluence and the critique of technology in their eponymous journal which was helmed by Hubert Tonka. Other influences include Marcel Mauss, Georges Bataille, as well as Jean-Paul Sartre, Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, the Situationists, and Surrealism. Less overt, but certainly a significant background influence on his thought, was Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, while a far more obvious influence on his overall thought was Marxism.

However, Baudrillard’s eventual—perhaps inevitable—break with Marx came in 1972 with Pour une critique de l’économie politique du signe (For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign) and Le Miroir de la production (The Mirror of Production) in 1973. Rifting with—and stretching the line between Saussure’s signifier and signified—Baudrillard announced the rupture between the sign and its referent; where there is not only no necessary correspondence between the sign and an object in the world, but more radically that the sign takes precedence over reality, that the sign itself is reality. Thus, a deconstructed semiotics, rather than finding in semiotics the objective root of a sociological situation, as with the structuralists.

Baudrillard’s disenchantment with sociology, or more specifically the discipline of sociology, is most apparent in À l’ombre des majorités silencieuses (In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, 1982), where he argues that sociology is not analyzing society as much as writing ‘society’ itself into being so as to justify its own existence. For, the old structures of class have vanished into what he describes as the void of the masses: “that spongy referent, that opaque but equally translucent reality, that nothingness: the masses.” The masses no longer make themselves evident as a class (a category which has lost its force because of a proliferation of possible identities), as they have been swamped by so much meaning they have lost all meaning. They have been so continuously analyzed through statistics, opinion polls and marketing that they do not respond to enlightened political representation. And their revenge, as it were, was to have absorbed all the old, modern categories that were once a potentially liberating force. By being everything that you want them to be, the masses have seduced the very notion of society itself into nothingness: for when, “everything is sexual … everything is political … everything is aesthetic … all at once … each category is generalized to the greatest possible extent, so that it eventually loses all specificity and is reabsorbed by all other categories.”

Faced with this fundamental unknowability that is the masses, all analysis becomes futile. Thus, instead of the traditional approach of slowing down with careful attention to minutiae, Baudrillard attempts to think—to perhaps even write—a tale of the masses at a fast pace in his 1986 text Amérique (America). Adopting the genre and form of a travelogue, the text travels through America at high speed, not allowing enough time to become bogged down by the ‘depth’ of American social reality. This is “pure traveling:” where the point is not to write a sociology of the car, or even America; the point is to drive. In this way, one learns more about this society than all academia could ever reveal. Since America is a desert, a vast cultural void where the real and the unreal are merged so completely that distinctions between them disappear, and people’s whole lives are played out as if part of a film or soap opera, by approaching a screen as a screen—instead of trying to find what lies behind—and by making oneself a screen, ‘America,’ whatever that might even mean, might just display, and expose, itself. To be sure, Baudrillard is not making a moral judgment about contemporary culture; despite appearances to the contrary he does not intend to condemn it. For, we should try not to forget that “the moral law can do nothing against the rules of the game and the order of evil, which takes its revenge come what may. Everything turns around. And the virtual completion of the world, the perfect crime, the fantastic attempt to bring into being an integral world—that phantasm of total information paradoxically allows us to glimpse an even more fundamental form: that of its radical incompletion.”

And perhaps, since the law cannot do anything against this phantasm, Baudrillard throws away the proverbial badge and “turns detective” in his 1995 text, Le Crime parfait (The Perfect Crime), where he “investigate[s] a crime which he hopes may yet be solved: the ‘murder’ of reality. To solve the crime would be to unravel the social and technological processes by which reality has quite simply vanished under the deadly glare of mediated ‘real time.’ But Baudrillard is not merely intending to lament the disappearance of the real, an occurrence he … described as ‘the most important event of modern history,’ nor even to meditate upon the paradoxes of reality and illusion, truth and its masks. The Perfect Crime is also … a penetrating examination of vital aspects of the social, political and cultural life of the ‘advanced democracies’ in the (very) late twentieth century. Where critics like McLuhan once exposed the alienating consequences of ‘the medium,’ Baudrillard lays bare the depredatory effects of an oppressive transparency on our social lives, of a relentless positivity on our critical faculties, and of a withering ‘high definition’ on our very sense of reality.”

Throughout his œuvre, Jean Baudrillard’s thought hinges—or perhaps even hovers—around the twin notions of ‘hyperreality’ and ‘simulation’: attempts to respond to the virtuality of contemporary culture in an age of mass communication and mass consumption. In a world dominated by simulated experiences and feelings, we experience prepared realities in edited war footage, meaningless acts of terrorism, the destruction of cultural values and the substitution of ‘referendum.’ In Baudrillard’s words, “the very definition of the real has become: that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction.… The real is not only what can be reproduced, but that which is always already reproduced: that is the hyperreal… which is entirely in simulation.” Here, one could possibly conceive of Baudrillard’s work as having passed through three phases—shifts of strategy, tenor, and emphasis rather than content—from the post-Marxist (1968–71), to the socio-linguistic (1972–77), to the techno-prophetic. He has become best known as a prophet of the implosion of meaning that attends the postmodern condition.

However, such categories run the risk of, not only over-simplification, but of going against the very spirit of Baudrillard’s thought. One should not forget that Jean Baudrillard is a thinker who not only builds on the thoughts of others, but creates a break-through, a rupture, not by generating an analysis (nothing so banal) nor theory (even worse), but by seducing the discourse, notion, idea, itself. For “everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.” Thus, instead of making meaning where there is none, which would be the futile attempt to combat power with power, influence through influence, Baudrillard reminds us that it is seduction that potentially disrupts: “every discourse is threatened with this sudden reversibility, absorbed into its own signs without a trace of meaning.”And it is “seduction and femininity [that are] ineluctable as the reverse side of sex, meaning, and power … for seduction continues to haunt them from without, and from deep within its forsaken state, threatening them with collapse.”

Jean Baudrillard taught at The European Graduate School / EGS from its earliest period until his death on March 6, 2007. Even though he has left us, his teachings remain—and his spirit lives—always with us.



Laßt Euch Nicht Verführen, 1983, Baudrillard, Jean. Laßt Euch Nicht verführen, 1983. Merve, 2010 (1983). ISBN: 3883960322

Die Illusion des Endes oder der Streik der Ereignisse, Baudrillard, Jean. Die Illusion des Endes oder der Streik der Ereignisse. Translated by Ronald Voullié. Merve, 2010. ISBN: 3883961167

Słowa Klucze, Baudrillard, Jean. Słowa Klucze. Translated by Sławomir Królak. Sic!, 2008. ISBN: 836045745X

Pataphysics, Baudrillard, Jean. Pataphysics. Translated by Simon Watson Taylor. London Institute of ‘Pataphysics. Department of Dogma and Theory, 2007. ISBN: 1900565277

El Complot del Arte, Baudrillard, Jean. El Complot del Arte. Translated by Irene Agoff. Amorrortu Editores, 2006. ISBN: 8461090039

Utopia Deferred: Writings from Utopie, Baudrillard, Jean. Utopia Deferred: Writings from Utopie. Translated by Stuart Kendall. Semiotext(e), 2006. ISBN: 1584350334

Los Exiliados del Dialogo, Baudrillard, Jean. Los Exiliados del Dialogo. Translated by Enrique Valiente Noailles. Sudamericana, 2006. ISBN: 9871117221

Cool Memories V, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories V. Translated by Chris Turner. Polity, 2006. ISBN: 0745636594

The Conspiracy of Art, Baudrillard, Jean. The Conspiracy of Art. Translated by Sylvère Lotringer. Semiotext(e), 2005. ISBN: 1584350288

Les Exilés du Dialogue, Baudrillard, Jean. Les Exilés du dialogue. Translated by Enrique Valiente Noailles. Galilée, 2005. ISBN: 271860655X

Oublier Artaud, Baudrillard, Jean, and Sylvère Lotringer. Oublier Artaud. Sens et Tonka, 2005. ISBN: 2845341091

Cool Memories V, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories V. Galilée, 2005. ISBN: 2718606746

The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact, Baudrillard, Jean. The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact. Translated by Chris Turner. Berg Publishers, 2005. ISBN: 1845203348

Anahtar Sözcükler, Baudrillard, Jean. Anahtar Sözcükler. Translated by Oğuz Adanır and Leyla Yıldırım. Paragraf Yayınevi, 2005. ISBN: 9756134119

The Singular Objects of Architecture, Baudrillard, Jean. The Singular Objects of Architecture. Translated by Robert Bononno. University of Minnesota Press, 2005. ISBN: 0816639132

Kötülüğün şeffaflığı: Aşırı fenomenler üzerine bir deneme, Baudrillard, Jean. Kötülüğün şeffaflığı: Aşırı fenomenler üzerine bir deneme. Translated by Işık Ergüden. Ayrıntı Yayınlar, 2004. ISBN: 9755390952

Le Pacte de Lucidité ou l’Intelligence du Mal, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Pacte de Lucidité ou l’Intelligence du Mal. Galilée, 2004. ISBN: 2718606495

Telemorfose, Baudrillard, Jean. Telemorfose. Translated and Preface by Muniz Sodrè. Mauad, 2004. ISBN: 8574781517

Tam Ekran, Baudrillard, Jean. Tam Ekran. Translated by Bahadır Gülmez. Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2004. ISBN: 9750802780

Amerika, Baudrillard, Jean. Amerika. Translated by Michaela Ott. Matthes & Seitz, 2004. ISBN: 388221371X

El Intercambio Imposible, Baudrillard, Jean. El Intercambio Imposible. Translated by Alicia Martorell. Ediciones Catedra S.A., 2004. ISBN: 8437618363

La Violence du Monde, Baudrillard, Jean and Edgar Morin. La violence du monde. Le Félin, 2003. ISBN: 2866454901

La Violencia del Mundo, Baudrillard, Jean, and Edgar Morin. La Violencia del Mundo. Translated by Pedro Ubertone. Libros del Zorzal, 2003. ISBN: 9871081294

The Spirit of Terrorism: And Other Essays, Baudrillard, Jean. The Spirit of Terrorism: And Other Essays. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 2003. ISBN: 1859844480

Cool Memories IV, 1995-2000, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories IV, 1995-2000. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 2003. ISBN: 1859845355

Passwords, Baudrillard, Jean. Passwords. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 2003. ISBN: 1859844634

Fragments: Conversations with François L’Yvonnet, Baudrillard, Jean. Fragments: Conversations with François L’Yvonnet. Translated by Mike Gane. Routledge, 2003. ISBN: 0415305470

波灣戰爭不曾發生 / Bo wan zhan zheng bu zeng fa sheng, Baudrillard, Jean. 波灣戰爭不曾發生 / Bo wan zhan zheng bu zeng fa sheng. Translated by Shang Buxiya. Mai tian chu ban, 2003. ISBN: 9867691121

E l’Oggetto che vi Pensa, Baudrillard, Jean. E l’Oggetto che vi Pensa. Pagine D’arte, 2003. ISBN: 8886995490

Infernos, Baudrillard, Jean. Power Infernos. Galilée, 2002. ISBN: 2718606045

Pantalla Total, Baudrillard, Jean. Pantalla Total. Translated by Juan José del Solar. Anagrama, 2002. ISBN: 8433905937

Contrasenas, Baudrillard, Jean. Contrasenas. Translated by Joaquín Jorda. Anagrama, 2002. ISBN: 8433961721

Au Royaume des Aveugles, Baudrillard, Jean. Au Royaume des Aveugles. Sens et Tonka, 2002. ISBN: 2845340605

Pataphysique, Baudrillard, Jean. Pataphysique. Sens et Tonka, 2002. ISBN: 2845340427

Screened Out, Baudrillard, Jean. Screened Out. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 2002. ISBN: 1859846602

L’Esprit du Terrorisme, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Esprit du Terrorisme. Galilée, 2002. ISBN: 2718605855

The Spirit of Terrorism: And Requiem for the Twin Towers, Baudrillard, Jean. The Spirit of Terrorism: And Requiem for the Twin Towers. Translated by Chris Turner. W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. ISBN: 1859844111

La Ilusion Vital, Baudrillard, Jean. La Ilusion Vital. Siglo XXI, 2002. ISBN: 9871013124

Los Objetos Singulares: Arquitectura y Filosofia, Baudrillard, Jean. Los Objetos Singulares: Arquitectura y Filosofia. Translated by Jean Nouvel. Fondo de Cultura Economica USA, 2002. ISBN: 9505575084

Cool Memories IV: Crônicas 1996 – 2000, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories IV: Crônicas 1996 – 2000. Estação Liberdade, 2002. ISBN: 8574480487

Telemorphose, Baudrillard, Jean. Telemorphose. Sens et Tonka, 2001. ISBN: 2845340419

Ameryca, Baudrillard, Jean. Ameryca. Translated by Markowski and Renata Lis. Sic, 2001. ISBN: 8386056975

Impossible Exchange, Baudrillard, Jean. Impossible Exchange. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 2001. ISBN: 1859846475

D’un Fragment l’Autre: Entretiens avec François L’Yvonnet, Baudrillard, Jean, and François L’Yvonnet. D’un Fragment l’Autre: Entretiens avec François L’Yvonnet. Albin Michel, 2001. ISBN: 2226127739

The Vital Illusion, Baudrillard, Jean. The Vital Illusion. Translated and Edited by Julia Witwer. Columbia University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0231121008

El Otro por si Mismo, Baudrillard, Jean. El Otro por si Mismo. Translated by JoaquínJordá. Anagrama, 2001. ISBN: 8433900900

Le Ludique et le Policier, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Ludique et le Policier. Sens et Tonka, 2000. ISBN: 291017090X

Les Mots de Passe, Baudrillard, Jean. Les Mots de Passe. Pauvert, 2000. ISBN: 2720213985

Cool Memories, IV, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories, IV. Galilée, 2000. ISBN: 2718605383

Der Unmögliche Tausch, Baudrillard, Jean. Der Unmögliche Tausch. Translated by Markus Sedlaczek. Merve, 2000. ISBN: 3883961612

Prozrachnost Zla, Baudrillard, Jean. Prozrachnost Zla. Translated by L. Li︠u︡barskoĭ and E. Markovskoĭ. Dobrosvet, 2000. ISBN: 579130028X

Le Complot de l’Art: Entrevues à Propos du ‘Complot de l’Art’, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Complot de l’Art: Entrevues à Propos du ‘Complot de l’Art’. Sens et Tonka, 1999. ISBN: 2910170861

Jean Baudrillard: Photographies 1985-1998, Baudrillard, Jean et al. Jean Baudrillard: Photographies 1985-1998. Hatje Cantz Publishers, 1999. ISBN: 3893229841

美國 / Meiguo, Baudrillard, Jean. 美國 / Meiguo. Translated by Changjie Wu. Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 1999. ISBN: 9571328472

L’Échange Impossible, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Échange Impossible. Galilée, 1999. ISBN: 2718605219

Sur la Photographie, Baudrillard, Jean. Sur la Photographie. Sens et Tonka, 1999. ISBN: 2910170969

L’Autre, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Autre. Photographs by Luc Delahaye. Phaidon, 1999. ISBN: 071483842X

Les Objets Singuliers: Y-a-t-il une Vérité de l’Architecture?, Baudrillard, Jean, and Jean Novel. Les Objets Singuliers: Y-a-t-il une Vérité de l’Architecture? Essais-Calmann-Lévy, 1999. ISBN: 2702130437

Architektur: Wahrheit oder Radikalität?, Baudrillard, Jean. Architektur: Wahrheit oder Radikalität? Literaturverlag Droschl, 1999. ISBN: 385420518X

À l’Ombre du Millénaire ou Le Suspens de l’An 2000, Baudrillard, Jean. À l’Ombre du Millénaire ou Le Suspens de l’An 2000. Sens et Tonka, 1998. ISBN: 2910170632

El Paroxista Indiferente: Conversaciones con Philippe Petit, Baudrillard, Jean. El Paroxista Indiferente: Conversaciones con Philippe Petit. Translated by Joaquín Jordá. Anagrama, 1998. ISBN: 8433905597

Paroxysm: Interviews with Philippe Petit, Baudrillard, Jean. Paroxysm: Interviews with Philippe Petit. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 1998. ISBN: 1859848443

De l’Exorcisme en Politique… ou la Conjuration des Imbéciles, Baudrillard, Jean. De l’Exorcisme en Politique… ou la Conjuration des Imbéciles. Sens et Tonka, 1998. ISBN: 2910170594

Car l’Illusion ne s’Oppose pas à la Réalité, Baudrillard, Jean. Car l’Illusion ne s’Oppose pas à la Réalité. Descartes & Cie, 1998. ISBN: 2910301877

Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, Baudrillard, Jean. Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact. Translated and Edited by Nicholas Zurbrugg. Sage Publications, 1997. ISBN: 0761955798

Le Complot de l’Art: Illusion, Désillusion, Esthétiques – Entrevues à propos du ‘Complot de l’art’, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Complot de l’Art: Illusion, Désillusion, Esthétiques – Entrevues à propos du ‘Complot de l’art’. Sens et Tonka, 1997. ISBN: 2910170357

A Rossz Transzparenciája: Esszé a Széls ʺOséges Jelenségekrʺ, Baudrillard, Jean. A rossz transzparenciája: esszé a széls ʺoséges jelenségekr. Balassi Kiadó, 1997. ISBN: 9635061196

Écran Total, Baudrillard, Jean. Écran Total. Galilée, 1997. ISBN: 2718604875

Illusion, Désillusion, Esthétiques, Baudrillard, Jean. Illusion, Désillusion, Esthétiques. Sens et Tonka, 1997. ISBN: 2910170462

Fragments: Cool Memories III, 1990-1995., Baudrillard, Jean. Fragments: Cool Memories III, 1990-1995. Translated by Emily Agar. Verso, 1997. ISBN: 1859848915

Las Estrategias Fatales, Baudrillard, Jean. Las Estrategias Fatales. Translated by Joaquín Jordá. Anagrama, 1997.

Le Paroxyste Indifférent: Entretiens avec Philippe Petit, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Paroxyste Indifférent: Entretiens avec Philippe Petit. Grasset, 1997. ISBN: 2246530717

Aṃeriqųe, Baudrillard, Jean. Aṃeriqųe. Translated by Y. Avųniç. Ayrıntı, 1996. ISBN: 9755390529

Das Perfekte Verbrechen, Baudrillard, Jean. Das Perfekte Verbrechen. Translated by Riek Walther. Matthes & Seitz, 1996. ISBN: 3882212748

The Perfect Crime, Baudrillard, Jean. The Perfect Crime. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 1996. ISBN: 1859849199

Cool Memories II, 1987-1990, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories II, 1987-1990. Translated by Chris Turner. Duke University Press, 1996. ISBN: 0822317850

El Crimen Perfecto, Baudrillard, Jean. El Crimen Perfecto. Translated by Joaquín Jordá. Anagrama, 1996.

The Illusion of the End, Baudrillard, Jean. The Illusion of the End. Translated by Chris Turner. Stanford University Press, 1995. ISBN: 0804725012

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place, Baudrillard, Jean. The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. Translated and Introduction by Paul Patton. Indiana University Press, 1995. ISBN: 0253329469

Le Crime Parfait, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Crime Parfait. Galilée, 1995. ISBN: 2718604484

Fragments: Cool Memoires III, 1990-1995, Baudrillard, Jean. Fragments: Cool Memoires III, 1990-1995. Galilée, 1995. ISBN: 2718604565

The Art of Disappearance, Baudrillard, Jean. The Art of Disappearance. Institute of Modern Art. 1994. ISBN: 1875792074

Das Andere Selbst: Habilitation, Baudrillard, Jean. Das Andere selbst: Habilitation. Translated by Monika Buchgeister and Hans-Walter Schmidt. Passagen, 1994. ISBN: 3851651200

Figures d’Altérité, Baudrillard, Jean, and Max Guillaume. Figures d’Altérité. Descartes, 1994. ISBN: 2910301060

Drugo od Istoga: Habilitacija, Baudrillard, Jean. Drugo od Istoga: Habilitacija. Translated by Aleksandra Mancic Milic. Lapis, 1994. ISBN: 8679690082

Madonna, Erotisme et Pouvoir, Baudrillard, Jean. Madonna, Erotisme et Pouvoir. Edited by Michel Dion. Editions Kime, 1994. ISBN: 2908212943

아메리카 / Amerikʻa, Baudrillard, Jean. 아메리카 / Amerikʻa. Translated by Ŭn-uChu. Munye Madang, 1994.

La Pensée Radicale, Baudrillard, Jean. La Pensée Radicale. Sens et Tonka, 1994. ISBN: 284534015X

The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena, Baudrillard, Jean. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. Translated by James Benedict. Verso, 1993. ISBN: 0860913872

Cool Memories, I et II, 1980-1990, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories, I et II, 1980-1990. Librarie Générale Française, 1993. ISBN: 2253064777

L’Illusione de la Fine, o, lo Sciopero degli Eventi, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Illusione de la Fine, o, lo Sciopero degli Eventi. Translated by Alessandro Serra. Anabasi, 1993. ISBN: 8841770104

Amerika, Baudrillard, Jean. Amerika. Translated by Mila Baštić. Kontekst, 1993. ISBN: 8690139311

L’Illusion de la Fin ou La Grève des Evénements, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Illusion de la Fin ou La Grève des Evénements. Galilée, 1992. ISBN: 2718604115

A Ilusão do Fin ou a Greve dos Acontecimentos, Baudrillard, Jean. A Ilusão do Fin ou a Greve dos Acontecimentos. Translated by Manuela Torres. Terramar, 1992. ISBN: 9727101003

La Ilusión del Fin o la Huelga de los Acontecimientos, Baudrillard, Jean. La Ilusión del Fin o la Huelga de los Acontecimientos. Translated by Thomas Kauf. Anagrama, 1992. ISBN: 8433913727

Transparenz des Bösen: ein Essay über Extreme Phänomene, Baudrillard, Jean. Transparenz des Bösen: ein Essay über Extreme Phänomene. Translated by Michaela Ott. Merve, 1992. ISBN: 3883960985

Det Singulaeres Politik, Baudrillard, Jean. Det Singulaeres Politik: om og af Jean Baudrillard. Translated by Stig Brøgger and Carsten Juhl. Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, 1992. ISBN: 8788608573

Citoyenneté et Urbanité, Baudrillard, Jean. Citoyenneté et Urbanité. Le Seuil, 1991. ISBN: 2909210030

La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu Lieu, Baudrillard, Jean. La Guerre du Golfe n’a pas eu Lieu. Galilée, 1991. ISBN: 271860395X

La Guerra del Golfo no ha Tenido Lugar, Baudrillard, Jean. La Guerra del Golfo no ha Tenido Lugar. Translated by Thomas Kauf. Anagrama, 1991. ISBN: 8433913506

湾岸戦争は起こらなかった / Wangan sensō wa okoranakatta, Baudrillard, Jean. 湾岸戦争は起こらなかった / Wangan sensō wa okoranakatta. Translated by Fumi Tsukahara. Kinokuniyashoten, 1991. ISBN: 4314005645

La Transparencia de Mal: Ensayo Sobre la Fenómenos Extremos, Baudrillard, Jean. La Transparencia de Mal: Ensayo Sobre la Fenómenos Extremos. Translated by Joaquín Jordá. Anagrama, 1991. ISBN: 843391345X

透きとおった悪 / Sukitōtta aku, Baudrillard, Jean. 透きとおった悪 / Sukitōtta aku. Translated by Fumi Tsukahara. Kinokuniya Shoten, 1991. ISBN: 4314005521

La Transparenza del Male: Saggio sui Fenomeni Estremi, Baudrillard, Jean. La Transparenza del Male: Saggio sui Fenomeni Estremi. Translated by Francesco Marsciani. Argomenti, 1991. ISBN: 8871981006

Cool Memories II, 1987-1990, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories II, 1987-1990. Galilée, 1990. ISBN: 2718603674

Das Jahr 2000 Findet Nicht Statt, Baudrillard, Jean. Das Jahr 2000 Findet Nicht Statt. Translated by Peter Geble and Marianne Karbe. Merve, 1990. ISBN: 3883960764

Cool Memories, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 1990. ISBN: 0860912833

Enrico Baj: Transparence du Kitsch, Baudrillard, Jean. Enrico Baj: Transparence du Kitsch. L’Autre musée, 1990. ISBN: 2729106170

La Transparence du Mal: Essai sur les Phénomènes Extrêmes, Baudrillard, Jean. La Transparence du Mal: Essai sur les Phénomènes Extrêmes. Galilée, 1990. ISBN: 2718603631

Paradoxe Kommunikation, Baudrillard, Jean. Paradoxe Kommunikation. Translated and Edited by W. Portmann. Vortrag im Kuntsmuseum Bern, 1989. ISBN: 3716506605

Cool Memories: 1980-1985, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories: 1980-1985. Translated by Michaela Ott. Matthes und Seitz, 1989. ISBN: 3882212489

Cool Memories: 1980-1985, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories: 1980-1985. Translated by Joaquín Jordá. Anagrama, 1989.

Spécial Andy Warhol, Baudrillard, Jean. Spécial Andy Warhol. Art Studio 8, 1988.

The Ecstasy of Communication, Baudrillard, Jean. The Ecstasy of Communication. Translated by Caroline Schutze Bernard. Edited by Sylvère Lotringer. Semiotext(e), 1988. ISBN: 0936756365

L’Altro Visto de Sè, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Altro Visto de Sè. Translated by Maria Terese Carbone. Costa & Nolan, 1988.

America, Baudrillard, Jean. America. Translated by Chris Turner. Verso, 1988. ISBN: 0860912205

Xerox & Infinity, Baudrillard, Jean. Xerox & Infinity. Translated by Agitac. Touchepas/Agitac, 1988. ISBN: B002O78GLC

L’Autre par lui-même, Habilitation, Baudrillard, Jean. L’Autre par lui-même, Habilitation. Galilée, 1987. ISBN: 2718603070

Cool Memories: 1980-1985, Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories, 1980-1985. Galilée, 1987. ISBN: 2253064777

The Evil Demon of Images, Baudrillard, Jean. The Evil Demon of Images. Left Bank Books, 1987. ISBN: 0909952078

L’America, Baudrillard, Jean. L’America. Felternelli, 1987. ISBN: 8807090139.

Amérique, Baudrillard, Jean. Amérique. Grasset, 1986. ISBN: 224634381X

America, Baudrillard, Jean. America. Rocco, 1986.

La Gauche Divine: Chronique des Années 1977-1984, Baudrillard, Jean. La Gauche Divine: Chronique des Années 1977-1984. Grasset, 1985. ISBN: 2246343712

La Izquierda Divina: Chronique des Années 1977-1984, Baudrillard, Jean. La Izquierda Divina: Chronique des Années 1977-1984. Translated by Joaquín Jordà. Anagrama, 1985. ISBN: 843390079X

La Sinistra Divina, Baudrillard, Jean. La Sinistra Divina. Translated by Alessandro Serra. Feltrinelli, 1986. ISBN: 8807110113

Die Göttliche Linke: Chronik der Jahre 1977 – 1984, Baudrillard, Jean. Die Göttliche Linke: Chronik der Jahre 1977 – 1984. Translated by Ronald Voullié. Matthes und Seitz, 1986. ISBN: 3882213620

Der Tod der Moderne: Diskussion, Baudrillard, Jean. Der Tod der Moderne: Diskussion. Translated by Michael Rutschky. Konkursbuchverlag, 1983. ISBN: 388769015X

Les Stratégies Fatales, Baudrillard, Jean. Les Stratégies Fatales. Grasset, 1983. ISBN: 2246286018

Fatal Strategies, Baudrillard, Jean. Fatal Strategies. Translated by Philip Beitchman and W. G. J. Niesluchowski. Edited by Jim Fleming. Semiotext(e), 1986. ISBN: 0936756500

Die Fatalen Strategien, Baudrillard, Jean. Die Fatalen Strategien. Translated by Ulrike Bockskopf and Ronald Vouillié. Matthes & Seitz, 1991. ISBN: 388221354X

Le Strategie Fatali, Baudrillard, Jean. Le Strategie Fatali. Translated by Sandro D’Alessandro. Feltrinelli, 1984. ISBN: 8807080117

De fatale strategieën, Baudrillard, Jean. De Fatale Strategieën. Translated by Maurice Nio and Kees Vollemans. Duizend & Een, 1985. ISBN: 9071346013


Det Fatale: Skaebnestrategier, Baudrillard, Jean. Det Fatale: Skaebnestrategier. Translated by Carsten Juhl. Gyldendal, 1987. ISBN: 8700008745



Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Violence of the Image

Jean Baudrillard†

Baudrillard and Bataille

Jean Baudrillard†

Deleuze and Baudrillard

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 7/7

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 6/7

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Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 5/7

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Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 4/7

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Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 3/7

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 2/7

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. The Principles of Seduction 1/7

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 15/15

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Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 13/15

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Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 12/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 11/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 10/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 9/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 8/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 7/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 6/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 5/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 4/15

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Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 3/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 2/15

Jean Baudrillard†

Jean Baudrillard. Seduction, Sex and Pornography 1/15

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Violence of the Image 9/9

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Violence of the Image 1/9

Jean Baudrillard†

Image and Representation

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Cultural Identity and Politics 8/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 7/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 6/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 5/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 4/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 3/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 2/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Cultural Identity and Politics 1/8

Jean Baudrillard†

Identity, Changing and Becoming
