Elie During
Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School / EGS.
Elie During (b. 1972) is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Paris Ouest – Nanterre, a seminar lecturer at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, and currently a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and the École Normale Supérieure in Paris from 1993 to 1998 and spent one year at Princeton University as a graduate student. From 1998 to 1999, he worked in New York for the French Cultural Service. He received his PhD from the University of Paris Nanterre in 2007 for his research on the philosophical reception of the theory of relativity (“From Relativity to Spacetime: Bergson between Einstein and Poincaré,” 2007). He has since been exploring the notion of spacetime at the juncture of metaphysics, science, and aesthetics, where the durations of mind and matter appear to intersect.
Elie During is affiliated with the Institut de Recherches Philosophiques (IREPH) in Nanterre, and a project manager for the CIEPFC, an international center for the study of contemporary French philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He is a member of the editorial board of the review Critique and a co-director of the “MétaphysiqueS” series at the Presses Universitaires de France.
His publications include two volumes of selected philosophical readings (L’Âme, Flammarion, 1997; La Métaphysique, Flammarion, 1998), an introduction to Poincaré’s philosophy of science (La Science et l’Hypothèse: Poincaré, Ellipses, 2001), books on philosophy and cinema (Matrix, Machine philosophique [in collaboration with Alain Badiou, Thomas Bénatouïl, Patrice Maniglier, David Rabouin, Jean-Pierre Zarader], Ellipses, 2003; Faux raccords: la coexistence des images, Actes Sud, 2010), essays on the nature of time (The Future does not Exist: Retrotyes [with Alain Bublex), Éditions B42, 2014; Temps flottants: introduction à la vie simultanée, Bayard, forthcoming in 2015), and a study on the philosophical implications of the theory of relativity (Bergson et Einstein: la querelle du temps, PUF, forthcoming in 2015).
He co-authored a book with Bernard Stiegler (Philosopher par accident. Entretiens avec Elie During, Galilée, 2004) and contributed to the critical edition of Bergson’s complete works (Durée et simultanéité, PUF, 2009 and Le souvenir du présent et la fausse reconnaissance, PUF, 2012). His articles touch on various subjects: aesthetics (cinema, architecture, contemporary art), philosophy of science (spacetime and related matters), and contemporary thought (Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze, Simondon, Badiou, Rancière and others).
Temps Flottants: Introduction à la Vie Simultanée, During, Elie. Temps Flottants: Introduction à la Vie Simultanée. Bayard, 2015. ISBN: 2227485051
Le Cinéma de Bergson Les Presses du Réel, During, Elie and Ioulia Podoroga. Le Cinéma de Bergson. Les Presses du Réel, 2015.
Le Futur N’Existe Pas: Rétrotypes, During, Elie and Alain Bubblex. Le Futur N’Existe Pas: Rétrotypes. B42 Editions, 2014. ISBN: 2917855428
The Future Does Not Exist: Retrotypes, During, Elie and Alain Bubblex. The Future Does Not Exist: Retrotypes. B42 Editions, 2014. ISBN: 2917855525
La Métaphysique, During, Elie. La Métaphysique. Flammarion, 2013. ISBN: 2081309912
L’Ame, During, Elie. L’Ame. Flammarion, 2013. ISBN: 2081309947
Bergson et Einstein: La Querelle du Temps, During, Elie. Bergson et Einstein: La Querelle du Temps. Presses Universitaires, 2012. ISBN: 2130574505
Qu’est-ce que le Curating?, During, Elie, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Donatien Grau, and Hans-Ulrich Obrist. Qu’est-ce que le Curating. Manuella Editions, 2011. ISBN: 2917217138
Faux Raccords: La Coexistence des Images, During, Elie. Faux Raccords: La Coexistence des Images. Actes Sud, Villa Arson, 2010. ISBN: 2742789529
A Quoi Pense l’Art Contemporain?, During, Elie, and Laurent Jeanpierre. A Quoi Pense l’Art Contemporain? Les Editions de Minuit, 2010. ISBN: 2707321303
In Actu: De l’Expérimental Dans l’Art, During, Elie, Laurent Jeanpierre, Christophe Kihm, and Dork Zabunyan. Actu De l’Expérimental Dans l’Art. Les Presses du Réel, 2009. ISBN: 2840663392
Cinéphilosophie, During, Elie, and Marc Cerisuelo. Cinéphilosophie. Les Editions de Minuit. ISBN: 270731904X
Philosopher par Accident: Entretiens avec Elie During, During, Elie, and Bernard Stiegler. Philosopher par Accident: Entretiens avec Elie During. Galilée, 2004. ISBN: 2718606487
Matrix: Machine Philosophique, During, Elie, Alain Badiou, Thomas Bénatouïl, Patrice Maniglier, David Rabouin, and Jean-Pierre Zarader. Matrix: Machine Philosophique. Ellipses, 2003. ISBN: 2729818413
Sciences Dures?, During, Elie, and Françoise Balibar. Sciences Dures? Les Editions de Minuit. ISBN: 2707317845
La Science et L’Hypothèse, During, Élie. La Science et L’Hypothèse. Poincaré, Ellipses, 2001. ISBN: 272980725X