Giorgio Agamben
Baruch Spinoza Chair and Professor of Philosophy at The European Graduate School / EGS.
Giorgio Agamben (b. 1942) is one of the leading figures in philosophy and political theory. His unique readings of literature, literary theory, continental philosophy, political thought, religious studies, and art have made him one of the most innovative thinkers of our time.
Agamben was educated in law and philosophy at the University of Rome, where he wrote an unpublished doctoral thesis on the political thought of Simone Weil. As a post-doctoral scholar in Freiburg (1966–1968), he participated in Martin Heidegger’s seminars on Hegel and Heraclitus and was later a fellow at the Warburg Institute, University of London, from 1974 to 1975. Agamben then began teaching and–over the course of the next four decades–taught at the University of Macerata, the University of Verona, the Collège Internationale de Paris, the Università della Svizzera Italiana, the Università Iuav di Venezia, the New School in New York, and The European Graduate School / EGS, where he holds the Baruch Spinoza Chair.
Although Agamben’s doctoral thesis focused on the work of Simone Weil, his greatest influence is more likely Walter Benjamin. Much of his work is an elaborate and recursive engagement with the issues introduced into Western philosophy by the enigmatic work of Benjamin. While this continual return to the theses of Benjamin underpins his work, Agamben’s roots and influences are expansive and include many canonical figures of Western philosophy. Indeed, his indebtedness and engagement with Aristotle, Heidegger, Michel Foucault, G.W.F. Hegel, Carl Schmitt, and Sigmund Freud, among others, is clear and profound. In addition to this philosophical heritage, Agamben has critically engaged with religious and legal texts from the Torah to Greek and Roman law, as well as with some of the most important literary figures and poets in Western culture, including Friedrich Hölderlin, Franz Kafka, Fernando Pessoa, Dante Alighieri, and Giorgio Caproni. The breadth of his scholarship, in concert with the critical precision of his readings and interpretations, contributes to the challenging density of his work.
It is impossible to summarize Agamben’s oeuvre in a brief biography. However, we can consider the outlines of a small, but significant, focus throughout his work. Since the 1980s, much of the philosopher’s work can be read as a movement towards the Homo Sacer project, which begins with the book Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1995). The work takes up and builds upon issues raised by a number of theoreticians from the twentieth century, most notably, Michel Foucault. In brief, the project is a response to questions surrounding totalitarianism and bio-politics. To date, there are four volumes of the Homo Sacer: Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1995), State of Exception – Homo Sacer II.1 (2003), The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government – Homo Sacer II.2 (2007), The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath – Homo Sacer II.3 (2008), Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty – Homo Sacer II.5 (2013), Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive, Homo Sacer III (1998), and The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Forms-of-Life – Homo Sacer IV.1 (2013).
In the first volume, Agamben develops his analysis of the condition of bio-politics, first identified by Foucault in Volume One of his History of Sexuality (1976). According to Foucault, modern power is characterized by a fundamentally distinct logic from that of sovereign power: the fundamental principle of the former is the sovereign right over life and death, while modern power assumes a productive relation to life, captured in the dictum “fostering life or disallowing it.” Bio-politics is an instrument for molding life and keeping it alive. According to the French philosopher, this shift from sovereign power to bio-power is what inaugurates modernity. From the outset of the Homo Sacer project, Agamben confronts this clear distinction and suggests that sovereignty and bio-power are fundamentally inter-connected. According to Agamben, the production of biological life is the first and elementary objective of sovereign power.
His genealogical analysis begins in antiquity, wherein there was an essential distinction between zoe, or biological life, and bios, the form or way of living proper to an individual or community. In fact, Agamben notes in Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle makes three distinctions within bios: the contemplative life of the philosopher, bios theoretiko; the life of pleasure, bios apolaustikos; and political life, bios politikos. In the classical world the latter was included in politics, while natural life was excluded from the polis and confined to the sphere of oikos, home. In Politics, Aristotle repeatedly affirms a qualitative distinction between these two realms: the polis and oikonomos, or the simple act of living and the politically qualified life.
According to Foucault, the threshold of modernity is crossed when natural life is included into the instruments and calculations of the State and politics becomes bio-politics. This shift, he suggests, can be articulated as the passage from “territorial State” to the “State of population” or from “Sovereign power” to a “government of men.” Without bio-politics, without the capacity to discipline and control bodies, Foucault proposes that the very development and triumph of capitalism would have been impossible.
Preceding Foucault, Hannah Arendt, in The Human Condition (1958), attributes the transformation and decadence of politics to the primacy of natural life over political life. Following Arendt, Agamben posits the inclusion of zoe into politics as the decisive step into modernity and echoes the declaration that this event demands a radical transformation of classical politico-philosophical categories. The “Homo Sacer project” starts from both Foucault’s and Benjamin’s suggestion that all modern ideologies maintain a secret alliance by their common inclusion of bare life into politics and from the wager that only an interrogation of this link “will be able to bring the political out of its concealment and, at the same time, return thought to its proper calling” (Homo Sacer 4–5). In the “Introduction” to Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Agamben situates the point of departure of the entire project at an unresolved point in Foucault’s work on bio-politics. In the last years before his death, Foucault abandoned juridical institutional models of power in the name of investigating concrete ways that power penetrates forms of life and the very bodies of subjects.
While Agamben’s overall analysis in the Homo Sacer project is highly critical of the contemporary state and its apparatuses, his conclusion is not one of complete despair. Rather, for Agamben, the means for overcoming the aporias of the modern democratic state lie precisely within the heart of the crisis itself. To the project of such an overcoming, he gives the name “coming politics,” an idea first developed in The Coming Community (1993) and Means without End: Notes on Politics (2000). In brief, the “coming politics,” a politics of pure means, is a politics wherein “politics is the sphere neither of an end in itself nor of means subordinated to an end; rather, it is the sphere of an end intended as the field of human action and of human thought” (Means without End 117). More specifically, such a new politics would be a politics without any reference to sovereignty or any of its associated concepts: such as nation, people, democracy, etc. Such a new politics would require the formulation of a new form of life, wherein bare life is not separable as a political subject and what is at stake is the experience of community itself.
Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm, Agamben, Giorgio. Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm. Stanford University Press, 2015. ISBN: 0804797315
Pilate and Jesus, Agamben, Giorgio. Pilate and Jesus. Translated by Adam Kotsko. Stanford University Press, 2015. ISBN: 0804794545
The Unspeakable Girl: The Myth and Mystery of Kore, Agamben, Giorgio. The Unspeakable Girl: The Myth and Mystery of Kore. Seagull Books, 2014. ISBN: 0857420836
L’uso dei corpi. Homo sacer, IV, 2, Agamben, Giorgio. L’uso dei corpi. Homo sacer, IV, 2. Neri Pozza, 2014. ISBN: 8854508381
Nymphs, Agamben, Giorgio. Nymphs. Seagull Books, 2013. ISBN: 0857420941
Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty, Agamben, Giorgio. Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty. Translated by Adam Kotsko. Stanford University Press, 2013. ISBN: 0804784043
The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life, Agamben, Giorgio. The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life. Stanford University Press, 2013. ISBN: 080478406X
Idea della prosa , Agamben, Giorgio. Idea della prosa. Quodlibet, 2013. ISBN: 887462462X
Il mistero del male: Benedetto XVI e la fine dei tempi, Agamben, Giorgio. Il mistero del male: Benedetto XVI e la fine dei tempi. Laterza, 2013. ISBN: 8858108310
L’uomo senza contenuto, Agamben, Giorgio. L’uomo senza contenuto. Quodlibet, 2013. ISBN: 887462543X
Bartleby: La Formula Della Creazione, Agamben, Giorgio, and Gilles Deleuze. Bartleby: La Formula Della Creazione. Quodlibet, 2012. ISBN: 8874624301
Opus Dei. Archeologia dell’ufficio. Homo Sacer, II, 5, Agamben, Giorgio. Opus Dei. Archeologia dell’ufficio. Homo sacer, II, 5. Bollati Boringhieri, 2012. ISBN: 8833922472
Armin Linke: The Body of the State: Il Corpo delle Stato, Agamben, Giorgio. Armin Linke: The Body of the State: Il Corpo delle Stato. Edited by Lionel Bovier. JRP – Ringier, 2011. ISBN: 3037640804
Altissima Povertà: Regole monastiche e forme di vita, Agamben, Giorgio. Altissima Povertà. Regole monastiche e forme di vita. Neri Pozza, 2011. ISBN: 8854505455
Dell’utilità e degli inconvenienti del vivere fra spettri, Agamben, Giogio. Dell’utilità e degli inconvenienti del vivere fra spettri. Corte del Fontego, 2011. ISBN: 8895124286
Stanze: La parola e il fantasma nella cultura occidentale, Agamben, Giorgio. Stanze: La parola e il fantasma nella cultura occidentale. Einaudi, 2011. ISBN: 8806206028
La Chiesa e il Regno, Agamben, Giorgio. La Chiesa e il Regno. Nottempo, 2010. ISBN: 9788874522262
The Church and the Kingdom, Agamben, Giorgio. The Church and the Kingdom. Seagull Books, 2012. ISBN: 0857420240
El Reino y la Gloria, Agamben, Giorgio. El Reino y la Gloria. Pre Textos, 2009. ISBN: 8481919322
What is an Apparatus: And Other Essays., Agamben, Giorgio. What is an Apparatus: And Other Essays. Translated by David Kishik, and Stefan Pedatella. Stanford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 0804762309
Signatura Rerum: Zur Methode, Agamben, Giorgio. Signatura Rerum: Zur Methode. Translated by Anton Schütz. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2009. ISBN: 3518125850
The Signature of All Things: On Method, Agamben, Giorgio. The Signature of All Things: On Method. Translated by Luca di Santo and Kevin Atell. Zone Books, 2009. ISBN: 1890951986
Che Cos’è il Contemporaneo? , Agamben, Giorgio. Che Cos’è il Contemporaneo? Nottetempo, 2008. ISBN: 8874521359
Qu’est-ce que le Contemporain?, Agamben, Giorgio. Qu’est-ce que le Contemporain? Translated by Maxime Rovere. Rivages poche, 2008. ISBN: 2743618574
Die Sprache und der Tod: Ein Seminar über den Ort der Negativität, Agamben, Giorgio. Die Sprache und der Tod: Ein Seminar über den Ort der Negativität. Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2008. ISBN: 3518124684
Nudità, Agamben, Giorgio. Nudità. Nottetempo, 2008. ISBN: 8874521510
Nacktheit, Agamben, Giorgio. Nacktheit. Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Fischer, 2010. ISBN: 3100005309
Nudités, Agamben, Giorgio. Nudités. Translated by Martin Rueff. Rivages, 2009. ISBN: 2743619945
Il Sacramento del Linguaggio: Archeologia del Giuramento, Agamben, Giorgio. Il Sacramento del Linguaggio: Archeologia del Giuramento. Laterza. 2008. ISBN: 9788842087816
The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath, Agamben, Giorgio. The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath. Translated by Adam Kotsko. Stanford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 0804768978
Das Sakrament der Sprache, Agamben, Giorgio. Das Sakrament der Sprache. Translated by Stefanie Günthner. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2010. ISBN: 3518126067
Le Sacrement du Langage: Archéologie du Serment., Agamben, Giorgio. Le Sacrement du Langage: Archéologie du Serment. Vrin, 2009. ISBN: 2711622061
Signatura Rerum, Agamben, Giorgio. Signatura Rerum. Sul Metodo, 2008. ISBN: 9788833918587
Signatura Rerum: Sur la Méthode, Agamben, Giorgio. Signatura Rerum: Sur la Méthode. Translated by Joël Gayraud. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2008. ISBN: 2711619893
ll Regno e la Gloria: Per una Genealogia Teologica dell’Economia e del Governo,Agamben, Giorgio. ll Regno e la Gloria: Per una Genealogia Teologica dell’Economia e del Governo. Neri Pozza, 2007. ISBN: 8854501697
The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government, Agamben, Giorgio. The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government. Translated by Lorenzo Chiesa. Stanford University Press, 2011. ISBN: 0804760160
Le Règne et la Gloire: Pour une Généalogie Théologique de l’Economie et du Gouvernement, Agamben, Giorgio. Le Règne et la Gloire: Pour une Généalogie Théologique de l’Economie et du Gouvernement. Translated by Joël Gayraud, and Martin Rueff. Seuil, 2008. ISBN: 2020961938
L’ Amico, Agamben, Giorgio. L’ Amico. Nottetempo, 2007. ISBN: 8874521308
L’Amitié, Agamben, Giorgio. L’Amitié. Translated by Martin Rueff. Rivages, 2007. ISBN: 2743617144
Profanations, Agamben, Giorgio. Profanations. Translated by Jeff Fort. Zone Books, 2007. ISBN: 189095182X
Ninfe, Agamben, Giorgio. Ninfe. Bollati Boringhieri, 2007. ISBN: 8833917398
El Tiempo Que Resta, Agamben, Giorgio. El Tiempo Que Resta. Trotta, 2007. ISBN: 8481648345
Che cos’è un Dispositivo?, Agamben, Giorgio. Che cos’è un Dispositivo? Nottempo, 2006. ISBN: 9788874520875
Was ist ein Dispositiv?, Agamben, Giorgio. Was ist ein Dispositiv? Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Diaphanes, 2008. ISBN: 3037340428
Qu’est-ce qu’un Dispositif?, Agamben, Giorgio. Qu’est-ce qu’un Dispositif? Translated by Martin Rueff. Rivages poche, 2007. ISBN: 2743616725
Language and Death: The Place of Negativity, Agamben, Giorgio. Language and Death: The Place of Negativity. Translated by Karen Pinkus, and Michael Hardt. University of Minnesota Press, 2006. ISBN: 0816649235
Lo Abierto: El Hombre Y El Animal, Agamben, Giorgio. Lo Abierto: El Hombre Y El Animal. Edited by Fabian Lebenglik. Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2006. ISBN: 9871156502
Profanazioni, Agamben, Giorgio. Profanazioni. Nottetempo, 2005. ISBN: 8874520484
State of Exception, Agamben, Giorgio. State of Exception. Translated by Kevin Attell. University Of Chicago Press, 2005. ISBN: 0226009254
The Time That Remains: A Commentary On On The Letter To The Romans,Agamben, Giorgio. The Time That Remains: A Commentary On On The Letter To The Romans. Translated by Patricia Dailey. Stanford University Press, 2005. ISBN: 0804743827
La Potenza del Pensiero: Saggi e Conferenza, Agamben, Giorgio. La Potenza del Pensiero: Saggi e Conferenza. Nerri Pozza, 2005. ISBN: 8854500429
Profanaciones / Desecrations, Agamben, Giorgio. Profanaciones / Desecrations. Translated by Fabian Lebenglik. Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2005. ISBN: 9871156340
Image et mémoire, Agamben, Giorgio. Image et mémoire. Translated by Marco Dell’Omodarme. Desclée de Brouwer, 2004. ISBN: 2220050629
Ausnahmezustand: Homo sacer II.I., Agamben, Giorgio. Ausnahmezustand: Homo sacer II.I. Translated by Ulrich Müller-Schöll. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2004. ISBN: 3518123661
Estado De Excepcion: Homo Sacer Il. I., Agamben, Giorgio. Estado De Excepcion: Homo Sacer Il. I. Translated by Fabian Lebenglik. Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2004.ISBN: 9871156154
Stanzen: Das Wort und das Phantasma in der Abendländischen Kultur, Agamben, Giorgio. Stanzen: Das Wort und das Phantasma in der abendländischen Kultur. Translated by Eva Zwischenbrugger. Diaphanes, 2004. ISBN: 3935300506
Infancia e Historia: Destruccion de la Experiencia y Origen de la Historia, Agamben, Giorgio. Infancia e Historia: Destruccion de la Experiencia y Origen de la Historia. Translated by Fabian Lebenglik. Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2004. ISBN: 9879396537
Kindheit und Geschichte: Zerstörung der Erfahrung und Ursprung der Geschichte,Agamben, Giorgio. Kindheit und Geschichte: Zerstörung der Erfahrung und Ursprung der Geschichte. Translated by Davide Giuriato. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2004. ISBN: 3518223798
The Open: Man and Animal, Agamben, Giorgio. The Open: Man and Animal. Translated by Kevin Attell. Stanford University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0804747377
Stato di Eccezione, Agamben, Giorgio. Stato di Eccezione. Bollati BorighieriI, 2003. ISBN: 8833914593
Idee der Prosa, Agamben, Giorgio. Idee der Prosa. Translated by Reimar Klein. Suhrkamp, 2003. ISBN: 3518223607
Etat d’Exception, Agamben, Giorgio. Etat d’Exception. Translated by Joël Gayraud. Seuil, 2003. ISBN: 2020611147
L’Ombre de l’Amour: Le Concept de l’Amour chez Heidegger, Agamben, Giorgio and Valeria Piazza. L’Ombre de l’Amour : Le Concept de l’Amour chez Heidegger. Translated by Charles Alunni, and Joël Gayraud. Rivages, 2003. ISBN: 2743611332
Die Kommende Gemeinschaft, Agamben, Giorgio. Die Kommende Gemeinschaft. Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Merve, 2003. ISBN: 388396185X
Ce qui Reste d’Auschwitz, Agamben, Giorgio. Ce qui reste d’Auschwitz. Translated by Pierre Alféri. Rivages, 2003. ISBN: 274361000X
L’Homme sans Contenu, Agamben, Giorgio. L’Homme sans Contenu. Translated by Caroline Walter. Circé, 2003. ISBN: 2842421558
Das Offene: Der Mensch und das Tier, Agamben, Giorgio. Das Offene: Der Mensch und das Tier. Translated by Davide Giuriato. Suhrkamp Verlag, 2003. ISBN: 3518124412
L’Aperto: L’Uomo e l’Animale, Agamben, Giorgio. L’Aperto: L’Uomo e l’Animale. Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. ISBN: 9788833913728
Moyens sans Fins: Notes sur la Politique, Agamben, Giorgio. Moyens sans Fins: Notes sur la Politique. Rivages, 2002. ISBN: 2743609559
Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive, Agamben, Giorgio. Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive. Translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen. Zone Books, 2002. ISBN: 189095117X
L’Ouvert : De l’Homme et de l’Animal, Agamben, Giorgio. L’Ouvert : De l’Homme et de l’Animal. Translated by Joël Gayraud. Rivages, 2002. ISBN: 2743609648
Homo Sacer: Die Souveräne Macht und das Nackte Leben, Agamben, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Die Souveräne Macht und das Nackte Leben. Translated by Hubert Thüring. Suhrkamp, 2002. ISBN: 3518120689
Mittel ohne Zweck: Noten zur Politik, Agamben, Giorgio. Mittel ohne Zweck: Noten zur Politik. Translated by Sabine Schulz. Diaphanes, 2001. ISBN: 3935300107
Enfance et Histoire, Agamben, Giorgio. Enfance et Histoire. Payot, 2001. ISBN: 2228895121
Il Tempo che Resta: Un commento alla Lettera ai Romani , Agamben, Giorgio. Il Tempo che Resta: Un commento alla Lettera ai Romani. Bollati Boringhieri, 2000. ISBN: 9788833912547
Le Temps qui Reste: Un Commentaire de l’Epitre aux Romains, Agamben, Giorgio. Le Temps qui Reste: Un Commentaire de l’Epitre aux Romains. Translated by Judith Revel. Rivages, 2000. ISBN: 274360686X
Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy, Agamben, Giorgio. Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy. Translated and Edited by Daniel Heller-Roazen. Stanford University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0804732787
Means Without End: Notes on Politics, Agamben, Giorgio. Means Without End: Notes on Politics. Translated by Vincenzo Binetti, and Cesare Casarino. University of Minnesota Press, 2000. ISBN: 0816630356
The Man without Content, Agamben, Giorgio. The Man without Content. Translated by Georgia Albert. Stanford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0804735530
La Fin du Poème, Agamben, Giorgio. La Fin du Poème. Circé. 1999. ISBN: 2842420853
The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics, Agamben, Giorgio. The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics. Translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen. Stanford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0804730210
Quel che Resta di Auschwitz, Agamben, Giorgio. Quel che Resta di Auschwitz. Bollati Boringhieri, 1998. ISBN: 8833911055
Bartleby ou la Creation, Agamben, Giorgio. Bartleby ou la Creation. Circé, 1998. ISBN: 2908024756
Bartleby Oder die Kontingenz Gefolgt von die Absolute Immanenz, Agamben, Giorgio. Bartleby Oder die Kontingenz Gefolgt von die Absolute Immanenz. Translated by Andreas Hiepko, and Maria Zinfert. Merve Verlag, 1998. ISBN: 3883961469
Idée sur la Prose, Agamben, Giorgio. Idée sur la Prose. Christian Bourgois, 1998. ISBN: 2267005468
Stanze, Agamben, Giorgio. Stanze. Rivages poche, 1998. ISBN: 2743604158
Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Agamben, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen. Stanford University Press. Stanford, 1998. ISBN: 0804732175
Homo Sacer: Le Pouvoir Souverain et la Vie Nue, Agamben, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Le Pouvoir Souverain et la Vie Nue. Seuil, 1997. ISBN: 2020256452
Categorie Italiane: Studi di Poetica, Agamben, Giorgio. Categorie Italiane: Studi di Poetica. Marsilio, 1996. ISBN: 8831763784
Infancy and History: The Destruction of Experience, Agamben, Giorgio. Infancy and History: The Destruction of Experience. Translated by Liz Heron. Verso, 1996. ISBN: 0860914704
Mezzi senza Fine: Note sulla Politica, Agamben, Giorgio. Mezzi senza Fine: Note sulla Politica. Bollati Boringhieri, 1996. ISBN: 883390993X
Idea of Prose, Agamben, Giorgio. Idea of Prose. Translated by Sam Whitsitt and Michael Sullivan. State University of New York Press, 1995. ISBN: 0791423794
Homo Sacer: Il Potere Soverano e la Vita Nuda, Agamben, Giorgio. Homo Sacer: Il Potere Soverano e la Vita Nuda. Giulio Einaudi, 1995. ISBN: 8806138502
Bartleby: La Formula della Creazione, Agamben, Giorgio, and Gilles Deleuze. Bartleby: La Formula della Creazione. Quodlibet, 1993. ISBN: 8886570252
The Coming Community, Agamben, Giorgio. The Coming Community. Translated by Michael Hardt. University of Minnesota Press, 1993. ISBN: 0816622353
Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture, Agamben, Giorgio. Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture. Translated by Ronald L. Martinez. University of Minnesota Press, 1993. ISBN: 0816620377
Le Langage et la Mort, Agamben, Giorgio. Le Langage et la Mort. Christian Bourgois, 1991. ISBN: 2267006146
La Comunità che Viene, Agamben, Giorgio. La Comunità che Viene. Giulio Einaudi, 1990. ISBN: 8806118013
La Communauté qui Vient, Agamben, Giorgio. La Communauté qui Vient. Seuil, 1990. ISBN: 2020123762
Idea della Prosa, Agamben, Giorgio. Idea della Prosa. Feltrinelli, 1985. ISBN: 8886570511
Fin de la Pensee, Agamben, Giorgio. Fin de la Pensee. Le Nouveau Commerce, 1982. ISBN: 2855410290
Il Linguaggio e la Morte: Un Seminario sul Luogo della Negatività, Agamben, Giorgio. Il Linguaggio e la Morte: Un Seminario sul Luogo della Negatività. Einaudi, 1982. ISBN: 8806053590
Stanze: La Parola e il Fantasma nella Cultura Occidentale, Agamben, Giorgio. Stanze: La Parola e il Fantasma nella Cultura Occidentale. Einaudi, 1979. ISBN: 8806170252
Infanzia e Storia, Agamben, Giorgio. Infanzia e Storia. Guilio Einaudi, 1978. ISBN: 9788806139407
L’Uomo senza Contenuto, Agamben, Giorgio. L’Uomo senza Contenuto. Rizzoli, 1970. ISBN: 8886570678
Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy
Agamben, Giorgio. “Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy.” In Democracy in What State? Translated by William McCuaig, 1. Columbia University Press, 2012. ISBN: 023115299X
Difference and repetition : on Guy Debord’s film
Agamben, Giorgio. “Difference and repetition : on Guy Debord’s film.” In Art and the Moving Image: A Critical Reader, edited by Tanya Leighton, 328. Tate Publishing, 2008. ISBN: 185437625X
The archive and testimony
Agamben, Giorgio. “The archive and testimony.” In The Archive, edited by Charles Merewether. The MIT Press, 2006. ISBN: 0262633388
Beyond Human Rights
Agamben, Giorgio. “Beyond Human Rights.” In Means Without End: Notes on Politics, translated by Vincenzo Binetti, and Cesare Casarino, 15. Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2003. ISBN: 0816630364
Agamben, Giorgio. “Introduzione.” In Contributo critico allo studio delle dottrine politiche del ‘600 italiano, edited by Giogio Manganelli. Quodlibet, 1999. ISBN: 9788886570367
Il talismano di Furio Jesi
Agamben, Giorgio. “Il talismano di Furio Jesi.” In Lettura del Bateau ivre di Rimbaud, edited by Furio Jesi. Quodlibet, 1998. ISBN: 8886570074
Agamben, Giorgio. Introduction to Alcune riflessioni sulla filosofia dell’hitlerismo, by Emmanuel Levinas, translated by Andrea Cavalletti, and Stefano Chiodi. Quodlibet, 1996. ISBN: 8886570236
No amanece el cantor
Agamben, Giorgio. “No amanece el cantor.” In En torno a la obra de José Ángel Valente, ed. Amigos de la Residencia de Estudiantes. Alianza Editorial,1996. ISBN: 842062845X
Maniere del nulla
Agamben, Giorgio. “Maniere del nulla.” In Pezzi in prosa, translated by Robert Walser, and Gino Giometti. Quodlibet, 1994 ISBN: 9788874622702
Fictions philosophiques et science-fiction
Agamben, Giorgio, and Guy Lardreau. “Fictions philosophiques et science-fiction.” In Annuaire philosophique 1988-1989, edited by François Wahl. Seuil, 1989. ISBN: 2020113988
“Il silenzio delle parole
Agamben, Giorgio. “Il silenzio delle parole.” Introduction to In cerca di frasi vere, by Ingeborg Bachmann, translated by Cinzia Romani. Laterza, 1989. ISBN: 8842034363
La passione dell’indifferenza
Agamben, Giorgio. “La passione dell’indifferenza.” Introduction to L’indifferente, by Marcel Proust, translated by Mariolina Bongiovanni Bertini. Guilio Einaudi, 1987. ISBN: 8806598740
Le livre face au piège de la marchandisation
Agamben, Giorgio, and Michel Butel. “Le livre face au piège de la marchandisation.” Le Monde. September 5, 2012.
O que é um dispositivo
Agamben, Giorgio. “O que é um dispositivo?” Translated by Nilceia Valdati. Outra travessia (2010).
Bataille e o paradoxo da soberania
Agamben, Giorgio. “Bataille e o paradoxo da soberania.” Translated by Nilceia Valdati. Outra travessia (2010).
Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy
Agamben, Giorgio. “Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy.” Theory & Event Vol. 13, No. 1 (2010).
Philosophical Archaeology
Agamben, Giorgio. “Philosophical Archaeology.” Law and Critique Vol. 20, No. 3 (2009): 211-231.
Idees neuves – Le Regne et la Gloire
Agamben, Giorgio. “Idees neuves – Le Regne et la Gloire.” Magazine Littéraire 480 (2008): 26.
¿Qué es lo contemporáneo?
Agamben, Giorgio. “¿Qué es lo contemporáneo?” Translated by Verónica Nájera. Laberinto, December 1, 2008.
Terrorisme ou Tragi-Comédie
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorisme ou Tragi-Comédie.” Translated by Martin Rueff. Libération, November 19, 2008.
Terrorism or Tragicomedy?
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorism or Tragicomedy?”
Terrorismo o tragicomedia
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorismo o tragicomedia?” Translated by Elena Garrido Torres.
Terrorismus oder Tragikomödie
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorismus oder Tragikomödie?” Translated by Gerald Raunig.
Francia. Terrorismo o Tragicommedia
Agamben, Giorgio. “Francia. Terrorismo o Tragicommedia.”
Terrorismo ou tragi-comédia
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorismo ou tragi-comédia?”
“Terrorisme of tragikomedie
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terrorisme of tragikomedie?”
Terroryzm, czy Tragikomedia?
Agamben, Giorgio. “Terroryzm, czy Tragikomedia?”
Uber die Gedichte von Luigi Trucillo
Agamben, Giorgio. “Uber die Gedichte von Luigi Trucillo.” Akzente Vol. 54, No. 1 (2007): 27.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Metropolis.” Translated by Arianna Bove. March 17, 2007.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Metrópolis.” Translated by Paolo A. 2006.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Metropolis.” 2006.
Avtor kot gesta
Agamben, Giorgio. “Avtor kot gesta.” Translated by Gregor Bizjak. Delta Vol. 12, No. 1/2 (2006): 9-17.
THEMA: Wir Flüchtlinge
Agamben, Giorgio. “THEMA: Wir Flüchtlinge.” Bauwelt Vol. 97, No. 172 (2006): 14.
La Amistad
Agamben, Giorgio. “La Amistad.” La Nacion, 2005.
Die zwei Gedächtnisse
Agamben, Giorgio. “Die zwei Gedächtnisse.” Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Die Ziet,May 4, 2005.
Das verlorene paradiesische Kleid. Theologie der Nacktheit: Vanessa Beecrofts Berliner Performance
Agamben, Giorgio. “Das verlorene paradiesische Kleid. Theologie der Nacktheit: Vanessa Beecrofts Berliner Performance.” Translated by Andreas Hiepko. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 12, 2005.
The Lost Dress of Paradise. A Theology of Nakedness: Vanessa Beecroft’s Performance in Berlin
Agamben, Giorgio. “The Lost Dress of Paradise. A Theology of Nakedness: Vanessa Beecroft’s Performance in Berlin.” Translated by Christian Nilsson.
Mauvais souvenirs. A propos de la difficulté d’une amnistie en italie
Agamben, Giorgio. “Mauvais souvenirs. A propos de la difficulté d’une amnistie en italie.” Translated by Joël Gayraud. Multitudes, May 20, 2004.
Se Lo Stato Sequestra Il Tuo Corpo
Agamben, Giorgio. “Se Lo Stato Sequestra Il Tuo Corpo.” La Repubblica, January 8, 2004.
No to Bio-Political Tattooing
Agamben, Giorgio. “No to Bio-Political Tattooing.” Le Monde, January 10, 2004.
Non au tatouage biopolitique
Agamben, Giorgio. “Non au tatouage biopolitique.” Le Monde diplomatique, January 10, 2004.
Körper ohne Worte. Gegen die biopolitische Tätowierung
Agamben, Giorgio. “Körper ohne Worte. Gegen die biopolitische Tätowierung.”
Der Gewahrsam. Ausnahmezustand als Weltordnung
Agamben, Giorgio. “Der Gewahrsam. Ausnahmezustand als Weltordnung.” Translated by Henning Ritter. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 19, 2003.
Stato di eccezione
Agamben, Giorgio. “Stato di eccezione.” Bollati Boringhier May (2003).
L’état d’exception
Agamben, Giorgio. “L’état d’exception.” Translated by Martin Rueff. Le Monde diplomatique, December 12, 2002.
State of Exception
Agamben, Giorgio. “State of Exception.” 2003.
Europe des libertés ou Europe des polices ?
Agamben, Giorgio. “Europe des libertés ou Europe des polices ?” Translated by Joël Gayraud. Le Monde diplomatique, October 4, 2002.
The Time that Is Left
Agamben, Giorgio. “The Time that Is Left.” Epoché Vol. 7, No. 1 (2002): 1–14.
Le pire des régimes
Agamben, Giorgio. “Le pire des régimes.” Le Monde diplomatique, March 23, 2002.
Heimliche Komplizen. Über Sicherheit und Terror
Agamben, Giorgio. “Heimliche Komplizen. Über Sicherheit und Terror.” Translated by Achim Bahnen. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 20, 2001.
On Security and Terror
Agamben, Giorgio. “On Security and Terror.” Translated by Soenke Zehle. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 20, 2001.
On Security and Terror
Agamben, Giorgio. “On Security and Terror.” Translated by Carolin Emcke. Theory and Event Vol. 5, No. 4 (2001).
Gênes et la peste
Agamben, Giorgio. “Gênes et la peste.” Translated by Thomas Lemahieu. L’Humanité, August 27, 2001.
Per un autoritratto di Furio Jesi
Agamben, Giorgio, and Andrea Cavalletti. “Per un autoritratto di Furio Jesi.” Cultura tedesca 12 (1999): 9-10.
Sull’impossibilità di dire lo: Paradigmi epistemologici e paradigmi poetici in Furio Jesi
Agamben, Giorgio. “Sull’impossibilità di dire lo: Paradigmi epistemologici e paradigmi poetici in Furio Jesi.” Cultura tedesca 12 (1999): 11-20.
La guerra e il dominio
Agamben, Giorgio. “La guerra e il dominio.” Aut aut 293-294 (1999): 22-23.
Nei Campi Dei Senza Nome
Agamben, Giorgio, and Beppe Caccia. “Nei Campi Dei Senza Nome.” Il Manifesto,November 3, 1998.
Que es campo?
Agamben, Giorgio. “Que es campo?” Translated by Flavia Costa. Artefacto.Pensamientos sobre la técnica 2 (1998).
Verità come erranza
Agamben, Giorgio. “Verità come erranza.” Paradosso 2-3 (1998): 13-17.
Politica dell’esilio
Agamben, Giorgio. “Politica dell’esilio.” Derive Approdi 16 (1998): 25-27.
Cattive memorie
Agamben, Giorgio. “Cattive memorie.” Il Manifesto, December 23, 1997.
Gli uomini, i nomi…
Agamben, Giorgio. “Gli uomini, i nomi…” Derive approdi 14 (1997): 11.
Le corps à venir
Agamben, Giorgio. “Le corps à venir.” Les saisons de la danse 292 (1997): 6-8.
A propos de Jean-Luc Godard
Agamben, Giorgio. “A propos de Jean-Luc Godard.” Le Monde des livres, October 6, 1995.
Du noire
Agamben, Giorgio. “Du noire.” Dédale 1-2 (1995): 111-113.
La vie nue
Agamben, Giorgio. “La vie nue.” Revue de littérature générale 1 (1995): 410-411.
We Refugees
Agamben, Giorgio. “We Refugees.” Translated by Michael Rocke. Symposium Vol. 49, No. 2 (1995): 114-119.
Við flóttamenn
Agamben, Giorgio. “Við flóttamenn.” Dagblaðið Nei, February 21, 2009.
My, uchodźcy
Agamben, Giorgio. “My, uchodźcy.” Translated by Katarzyna Gawlicz. June 5, 2007.
Image et Mémoire
Agamben, Giorgio. “Image et Mémoire.“ Hoëbeke, Art and Esthetique 14 (1998): 65-76.
Avant Berlusconi. Voyage dans l’Italie des années quatre-vingt
Agamben, Giorgio. “Avant Berlusconi. Voyage dans l’Italie des années quatre-vingt.” Translated by J. M. Vincent. Futur Antérieur 23-24 (1994).
Dove inizia il nuovo esodo
Agamben, Giorgio. “Dove inizia il nuovo esodo.” Derive approdi 5-6 (1994): 35-36.
Le philosophe et la Muse
Agamben, Giorgio, “Le philosophe et la Muse.” Translated by Jacques Rolland. Archives de philosophie Vol. 57, No. 1 (1994): 87-89.
Au-delà des droits de l’homme
Agamben, Giorgio. “Au-delà des droits de l’homme.” Libération, June 9/10, 1993.
Jenseits der Menschenrechte. Einschluss und Ausschluss im Nationalstaat
Agamben, Giorgio. “Jenseits der Menschenrechte. Einschluss und Ausschluss im Nationalstaat.” Translated by Thomas Atzert. Jungle World, July 4, 2001.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Forme-de-vie.” Futur Antérieur 15 (1993).
Le commun : comment en faire usage
Agamben, Giorgio. “Le commun : comment en faire usage.” 1992.
Appunti sulla politica
Agamben, Giorgio. “Appunti sulla politica.” Derive approdi 0 (1992): 10-11.
Pour une éthique du cinéma
Agamben, Giorgio, “Pour une éthique du cinéma.” Translated by Daniel Loayza. Trafic 3 (1992): 49-52.
Sovranità clandestina
Agamben, Giorgio. “Sovranità clandestina.” Luogo comune 2 (1991): 1.
Gloses marginales aux Commentaires sur la société du spectacle
Agamben, Giorgio. “Gloses marginales aux Commentaires sur la société du spectacle.” Futur Antérieur 2 (1990).
La communauté qui vient. Théorie de la singularité quelconque
Agamben, Giorgio. “La communauté qui vient. Théorie de la singularité quelconque.” Translated by Marilène Raiola. Futur Antérieur, May 1, 1990.
Viaggio nell’Italia degli anni ottanta
Agamben, Giorgio “Viaggio nell’Italia degli anni ottanta.” Marka 28 (1990): 22-29.
Violenza e speranza nell’ultimo spettacolo: Dal maggio francese a piazza Tian An Men
Agamben, Giorgio. “Violenza e speranza nell’ultimo spettacolo: Dal maggio francese a piazza Tian An Men.” Il manifesto, 1989.
Bartleby non scrive più
Agamben, Giorgio. “Bartleby non scrive più.” Il manifesto, March 3, 1988.
Bataille e Benjamin
Agamben, Giorgio. “Bataille e Benjamin.” Lettera internazionale 11 (1987): 18-19.
La 121 giornata di Sodoma e Gomorra
Agamben, Giorgio. “La 121 giornata di Sodoma e Gomorra.” Tempo present Vol. 11, No. 3-4 (1986): 59-70.
Quattro glosse a Kafka
Agamben, Giorgio. “Quattro glosse a Kafka.” Rivista di estetica Vol. 26, No. 22 (1986): 37-44.
Le philosophe et la Muse
Agamben, Giorgio, “Le philosophe et la Muse.” Translated by Gérard Macé. Le nouveau Commerce 62-63 (1985): 73-90.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Hölderlin-Heidegger.” Alfabeta 69 (1985): 4-5.
Se la forece religione del denaro divora il futuro
Agamben, Giorgio. “Se la forece religione del denaro divora il futuro.” la, 1984.
Credit, faith and future
Agamben, Giorgio. “Credit, faith and future.” Translated by Alvaro Garcia-Ormaechea. 1984.
Crédito, fé y futuro
Agamben, Giorgio. “Crédito, fé y futuro.” Translated by Amador Fernandez-Savater. Rebelion, 1984.
La glossolalie comme problème philosophique
Agamben, Giorgio. “La glossolalie comme problème philosophique.” Discours psychanalytique 6 (1983): 63-69.
La trasparenza della lingua
Agamben, Giorgio. “La trasparenza della lingua.” Alfabeta 38-39 (1982): 3-4.
Un importante ritrovamento di manoscritti di Walter Benjamin; and Introduzione a Friedrich Heinle
Agamben, Giorgio. “Un importante ritrovamento di manoscritti di Walter Benjamin; and Introduzione a Friedrich Heinle.” Aut aut 189-190 (1982): 4-6, 26-29.
La voce, la morte
Agamben, Giorgio. “La voce, la morte.” Alfabeta 15-16 (1980): 26.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Gusto.” Enciclopedia 6 (1979): 1019-1038.
Il principe e il ranocchio. Il problema del metodo in Adorno e in Benjamin
Agamben, Giorgio. “Il principe e il ranocchio. Il problema del metodo in Adorno e in Benjamin.” Aut Aut (1978): 165-166,105-117.
Gli intellettuali e la menzogna
Agamben, Giorgio. “Gli intellettuali e la menzogna.” Prospettive Settanta 1/3 (1975): 76-78.
La poesia di Solmi e le epifanie
Agamben, Giorgio. “La poesia di Solmi e le epifanie.” Prospettive Settanta 1/1 (1975): 107-110.
L’erotica dei trovatori
Agamben, Giorgio. “L’erotica dei trovatori.” Settanta 6/1 (1975): 85-88.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Risvegli.” Settanta 5/3 (1974): 112-115.
L’albero del linguaggio
Agamben, Giorgio. “L’albero del linguaggio.” I problemi di Ulisse 63 (1968): 104-114.
Agamben, Giorgio. “Decadenza.” Futuro 6 (1964): 28-32.
Siamo tutti sospettati. I governi ci considerano terroristi in potenza
Agamben, Giorgio, and Andrea Cortellessa. “Siamo tutti sospettati. I governi ci considerano terroristi in potenza.” La Stampa, November 27, 2007.
Life, A Work of Art Without an Author: The State of Exception, the Administration of Disorder and Private Life
Agamben, Giorgio, and Ulrich Raulff. “Life, A Work of Art Without an Author: The State of Exception, the Administration of Disorder and Private Life.” German Law Journal 5, May (2004).
Una lettera alla modernità
Agamben, Giorgio and Antonio Gnoli. “Una lettera alla modernità.” La Repubblica,June 14, 2000.
Une biopolitique mineure.’ (‘A Minor Biopolitics’)
Agamben, Giorgio, Stany Grelet, and Mathieu Potte-Bonneville. ‘Une biopolitique mineure.’ (‘A Minor Biopolitics’).” Vacarme 10, Winter (2000).
Agamben, le chercheur d’homme
Agamben, Giorgio, and Jean-Baptiste Marongiu. “Agamben, le chercheur d’homme.” Libération, April 1, 1999.
Non Piu’ Cittadini, Ma Solo Nuda Vita
Agamben, Giorgio, and Beppe Gaccia. “Non Piu’ Cittadini, Ma Solo Nuda Vita.” Il manifesto, October 24, 1998.
Ohne Bürgerrechte bleibt nur das nackte Leben. Giorgio Agamben über Abschiebung und Lager ohne Namen
Agamben, Giorgio, and Beppe Gaccia. “Ohne Bürgerrechte bleibt nur das nackte Leben. Giorgio Agamben über Abschiebung und Lager ohne Namen.” Translated by Thomas Atzert. Jungle World, July 4, 2001.
Il testimone invisibl
Agamben, Giorgio, and Antonio Gnoli. “Il testimone invisibl.” La Repubblica, October 8, 1998.
Pascoli, esperienza della lettera
Agamben, Giorgio. “Pascoli, esperienza della lettera.” Alfabeta 20, January (1981): 7-8.
La parola e il sapere
Agamben, Giorgio. “La parola e il sapere.” Aut aut 179-180, September-December (1980): 155-166.
L’io, l’occhio, la voce
Agamben, Giorgio and Paul Valéry. “L’io, l’occhio, la voce.” Translated by Libero Salaroli. Monsieur Teste. (1980): 9-24.