New Public Lecture: Elie During – June 4th, 2021
Elie During – The Idea of North: A Road Narrative about Glenn Gould
June 4th, 2021 8:00 PM (CET)
“—Another Glenn Gould biography?
— No.
—A fiction then? A novel, maybe?
—More like a road narrative, the written equivalent of a road movie.”
Following Gould’s stream of thoughts as he drives his Lincoln Continental back to Toronto after what appears to be his last concert—an involuntary re-enactment of Cage’s “silent” piece, 4’33”—, we are reminded of the pianist’s obsession with creative isolation, ecstasy and “the Idea of North”. Sitting in the back seats are Lyotard, Deleuze and Adorno…
“Those parts which I couldn’t actually hear sounded best of all” (Glenn Gould, “Advice to a graduation”, 1964)
The book is in French, but the lecture will be given in English.
Register for this lecture here.
More info about Elie During’s book can be found here and here.